Monday, January 12, 2009

Confusion sets in...

Not only am I wondering how on earth it can already be Monday again, I am wondering just when my period is going to decide to show up this month. I'm usually a solid 28 dayer, but now that it's CD32, I'm really scratching my head. I took a pregnancy test yesterday morning (knowing full well that I'm not pregnant) and am just waiting to hear back from our nurse to see what our next steps should be. When A & I had our follow-up with the Dr. last week, he said that if I hadn't started by Monday to let them know. I'm guessing they'll probably want me to come in for b/w and possibly prescribe Pro.metruim to get things moving. Why it is that the minute we decide to move onto the next step, the crazy redhead decides not to show up? It's just beyond frustrating!!


Shannon said...

Im so sorry you're waiting for your period to move onto the next step! I hope you talk to the nurse soon and if you go the Prometrium route, you can take it soon. Im praying for you!

Erica said...

I'm so sorry that Aunt Flo is late. As my hubby put it, "One minute you're praying for Aunt Flo to get here...the next you're praying for Aunt Flo not to come...then you're praying again for it not to come..." No wonder it's confused. ;) Maybe it's stress?

osuraj said...

I hate it when things get spread just adds to the frustration of not being pregnant to begin with. If I remember right, you are moving on to IVF soon, right? I hope you don't have to wait much longer....hang in there.

Erin said...

Ugh!! How frustrating! Hopefully you have answers in the next few days so you can move on! That's the worst!


PS...You've been Tagged!!