Monday, February 9, 2009

It's February already?

Settle in, cause this is a long one! I honestly can't believe how fast January passed us by, and as I sit at my desk this morning going over our IVF calendar, yes, I have a medication calendar and I'm slightly OCD, I can't believe that we're already into the second week of February! I don't know where the time slips away to?

Anywho, as usual I'm a slacker in the blog department. Only this time I really couldn't help it, honest! I wound up getting sick last week and was down in bed for four days! I'm not talking about a little sniffle and a sore throat, no way. I'm talking about raging headache, aches and pains, runny nose, watery eyes, sneezing, chills, hacking get the point. Hubby swears that I picked up something from the gym last Monday night, but honestly with everything that's been going around and the constant fluctuating temps here on the East coast, it's no wonder. I was able to get into the Dr. on Wednesday and get some meds, which he assured me would have no impact on our upcoming cycle. However, when I was still not feeling any better by Saturday, and upon looking at my bottle of medication, realized that I was supposed to be taking one pill, twice a day, rather than the one a day I had been taking. So, after correcting that little oops, I finally started to feel better yesterday. And now back to work...

On the more important IVF front, we're moving right along. I had my CD3 b/w and u/s on Thursday and started stims that night, along with Hubby starting the Doxycyc.line twice a day. For my new bloggie friend Ashley (Hi & welcome!!) who asked what the Doxy is for, it's given to the male partner during the wife’s stimulation cycle to further reduce the low levels of bacteria that may be found in the semen and which may compromise the performance of the sperm during an IVF cycle. It is also given to the female partner to reduce the risk of inferior following aspiration of the follicles at the time of egg retrieval. Whew, hope that answers your question. Oh, and I made the mistake of pumping 450iu's of Foll.istim into the belly all at once on the first night and have been paying for it since. The spot is so tender it's ridiculous! What was I thinking? Right now we're doing 450iu's of Foll.istim, 225 in the am and 225 in the pm, along with 15iu's of low dose HC.G. I seriously feel like a human pin cushion, and I'm telling you those HC.G shots burn something awful! A few minutes with the ice pack aftwerwards works wonders! I had more b/w and another u/s yesterday morning and everything looks good, estrogen was at 201 so we're moving right along. I have another one tomorrow morning and then we'll see...I'm thinking a possible retrieval this weekend? Oh, and my stinking nurse won't prescribe any EML.A cream for me, so anyone who might have some extra laying around, I sure would appreciate it over here when the time comes for thos PIO shots!

And lastly, congratulations are in order for two very special blogger buddies of mine who have recently gotten their coveted BFP's, Larissa and Jenn!! I'm so unbelievably happy for you both and can't wait to follow your journey to motherhood!


osuraj said...

Hey Kristi, thanks for your comments on my blog! As for the religion thing...I was raised Catholic too, but as I got older it just seemed to fit my beliefs less. I hope you guys can find a church you're happy with.

As far as the IVF goes, holy crap! I can't believe how much Follistim you gave yourself. I lauged when I read that. That's a lot for one day in my mind in general, but that's probably because I'm PCOS and always on lower dosages. As for the Progesterone...I have no idea what brand it is or anything. (I should probably know that right?)

I'm excited for you for this weekend. Please keep us posted on your progress. I'll be thinking of you!

Erica said...

Hey Kristi, glad to hear that you are making progress through your cycle. Near the end of my cycle, my poor butt was black and blue! Sheesh! Of course, I think my hubby was more horrified than I was-he had nitghtmare the whole time. It's no fun on either side of the syringe. LOL Hope everything keeps going smoothly for you.

Shannon said...

Im so excited that your IVF process is moving around. You are constantly in my prayers and I will be anxiously awaiting updates!