Thursday, February 12, 2009

Can you spare a prayer?

My good friend and her husband are facing a tough road the next few days. They had their FET on 2/1 and a BFP on 2/8, however T's hCG levels just aren't doubling the way they should be and they fear that she's losing their baby(s). Please lift them up in prayer today. We're praying that their two little embies are snuggling in there for the long haul, however it looks bleak. I know they'll need their strength the get through the next few days. Hopefully, actually I know, that by giving it over to God, they will find the peace they need. Thanks!

"When times are good, be happy;
but when times are bad, consider:
God has made the one as well as the other..."
(Ecclesiastes 7:14)


osuraj said...

My prayers are with your friends!

osuraj said...

Hey Kristi-

I keep forgetting to look at my progesterone...I'll look tonight. I think I'm afraid of those shots so I've been avoiding them. Haha. :-)

As for the Valium and Vicodin. The Vicodin is for after the ER...supposedly it's pretty painful, so they give you like 3 days worth just so you don't have to feel so bad. The Valium is for the ET. I don't think they usually prescribe that but because my transfer and HSG were so horrible (due to the scarred cervix thing) they said I should take it to make things less painful.

Hope that helps! So many things to keep track of, it's crazy!

osuraj said...

Okay, me again! I wanted to tell you that I checked my's in oil, sesame oil to be specific!

Melissa Murphy said...

I'll be prayin!!

Erica said...

Just wanted to let you know I'm praying for your friends.