Monday, February 16, 2009

And it's lucky number....

FOUR!!! Out of our seven beauties, five were ICSI'd and we are now the proud parents of four beautiful embryos! Wow! I start the PIO shots tonight :::shudder:::, and as long as everything goes smoothly, they're looking at a 3 day transfer, which would be Wednesday! Holy crap!

Just wanted to thank all you lovelies out there for your thoughts, good wishes and prayers! Keep 'em coming!!


osuraj said...

I've been stalking your blog to see what was happening! I'm excited for you, this is great news!!!

Anonymous said...

How exciting for you! Thinking positive thoughts for you as you wait for Wednesday. Grow babies grow :)

Hoping for our own Peanut said...

awesome, awesome news! i started my pio shots last night. boy, that stuff is THICK! good luck!

Angelwingsbaby said...

Congrats! I am so excited for you!


Jenn said...

That's awesome! I will be thinking of you and praying for you and your embabies tomorrow!!