Monday, November 24, 2008

Making progress...

Yes, I've been the slacking blogger. Work has been kicking my butt the last week and a half, and with the upcoming holiday, I'm trying to tie up all my loose ends here so that I can start it early!!

Anyway, LOTS of updates...I got my meds last Tuesday, AF finally arrived on Wednesday and I had my CD3 blood work and ultrasound on Friday. I have to say that having an ultrasound on day three is NOT something I'd like to repeat anytime soon...blech! Our nurse called Friday afternoon with good results and I started my injections that night!! And remember how I was saying how terrified I was of the needles?

Yeah, it was nothing!! I have to be honest and say that I was totally hyperventilating prior to the "stick", but I didn't even feel it! It actually hurt worse taking off the little band-aid the next morning. So, now I'm a pro! Haha! I go in tomorrow morning for more b/w and another ultrasound (hopefully the little eggs are growing!!)and we'll go from there. I'm thinking we'll probably be doing the IUI's around the end of next week, although I guess it depends on how well the meds are working. Either way, I'm just thankful to God that we've been given this opportunity to try to become parents.


Shannon said...

I am so excited for you to do the IUI. In the meantime, I will be praying for some good, healthy follies!

And U/S's on CD 3 are SO not fun, yuck!

Erin said...

I'm so glad your meds aren't as bad as you thought! :) I'm saying some prayers for your IUI! WHAT A GREAT CHRISTMAS GIFT!!! :)

Ro @ Ro is me! said...

I'm glad the meds aren't so bad :) Good luck with your IUI!