Yet again, I find myslef slacking in the world of blogging. I'm not sure why? Perhaps I could blame it on my crazy work schedule or the busyness of the upcoming holiday. Or the fact that it just never seems like there's enough hours in the day to get all the things done that I want or need to do. It seems like my life right now is similar to hair washing, lather, rinse, repeat. The truth is that I just really don't have much to say. No updates, nothing much to share....I'm (im)patiently waiting for S.unday to get here so that I can go have my bloodwork done and see if this cycle worked. I don't
feel any different, except for the fact that I've had very sensitive/painful breasts this cycle, but I ususally get that before AF anyway. I struggle with conflicting emotions every day...feeling positive that the I.UI's worked one minute and then positive that they didn't the next. For some reason I really don't feel too optimistic that they did. I don't know, maybe it's just the holiday blues. I'm still saying my daily novena to
St. Therese in the hopes that she sends me my shower of roses.
Sending out hugs and prayers for those of you that are expecting a Christmas miracle...I hope we all get what we're wishing for!
"Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed for the Lord thy God is with thee."
(Joshua 1:9).
I'll be praying for you...hope Sunday brings you good news!!
I am praying with everything that I have that you get good news on Sunday. Good luck!
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